Understanding body movement in interaction The analysis of kinesic behaviour with NEUROGES-ELAN

The seminar introduces to the analysis of video-registered nonverbal behaviour in interaction. The focus is on the objective and reliable analysis of hand/arm, foot/leg, trunk, and head movements. In addition to the theoretical introduction to nonverbal behaviour analysis, the seminar includes practical sessions with self-experience exercises as well as training in kinesic behaviour coding with NEUROGES –ELAN (www.neuroges-bast.info). Recent interdisciplinary empirical data on kinesic behaviour in interaction are presented. Participants can acquire a NEUROGES rater certificate after successful exam. 

Lecturers: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hedda Lausberg, Dr. Ingo Helmich, Katharina Reinecke (M.Sc.), Ippokrates Konstantinidis (M.Sc.)

Dates & Venue: February, 3 – 6, 2020 German Sport University Cologne Institute of Health Promotion and Clinical Movement Science Department of Neurology, Psychosomatic Medicine, and Psychiatry Am Sportpark Muengersdorf 6 D-50933 Koeln

Registration deadline: December 15, 2019

Contact: c.klabunde@dshs-koeln.de

The number of participants is limited to 12.

The seminar is free for students and staff of the German Sport University. As the number of participants is limited, regular participation is desired.

Seminar Fees: The seminar is free for students and staff of the German Sport University. However, a fee of 50 € has to be paid for teaching material (two textbooks). As the number of participants is limited to 12, registrations will be accepted in order of arrival. Regular participation is desired. 

Forthcoming seminars:

Gesture and Action Analysis March, 2 – 5, 2020, Cologne, Germany

Research Methodology in Gesture and Nonverbal Interaction Studies May, 27 – 29, 2020, Cologne, Germany


