
Since 1980, the diversity of modern sport disciplines and the increased specialisation in sport-related professions have led to a reform of the degree course programme. Graduate students can choose between either “Recreational and Top Performance Sport“ or “Rehabilitation and Disability Sport". The founding of further institutes has also contributed to the modernisation of the range of study courses. For example, in 1980, the present institute building I was made available as a “House of Research“.

A development also took place in teacher-training courses, which now, for the first time, covered the full spectrum of academic grades with respect to the subject of sport. The increase in the number of students to approx. 4,000 is due not only to the growing number of student teachers, but also to the integration of the Sports Department of the Pädagogische Hochschule Rheinland (Rhineland College of Education)closed by the state.

In 1983, a University Constitution revised the directoral management structure. The faculty model developed in the 1970’s could be set up in a modified form: 20 institutions were assigned to three faculties. The associated appointment of deans led to a professionalisation of the academic administration. Moreover, the organisation of international conferences and the opening of the new Central Library in 1997 defined the profile of GSUC more clearly. In 1998, in line with the resolution of the Conference of Ministers of Culture (KMK), the title of "Diplom-Sportlehrer/in" (Sport/PE Teacher) was replaced by "Diplom-Sportwissenschaftler/in" (Sport Scientist).