Action weeks accompanying the Football World Cup: SPORT. GLOBAL. SUSTAINABLE.

From June 15th to July 15th, coinciding with the Football World Cup in Russia, the GSU and Engagement Global are hosting "action" weeks about Sport and the Aims of the Agenda 2030 called: SPORT. GLOBAL. SUSTAINABLE. This "action" filled programme will include presentations, films, stadium tours and a critical public viewing. 

The panel discussion takes place on Wednesday, June 20th from 11.00 - 12.00am in lecture hall 1.
Participants are: Willi Lemke (former manager of Werder Bremen and former UN special adviser), Sylvia Schenk (Transparency International), Dr. André Hahn (DIE LINKE). Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag (IESF) 

The detailed programme can be found in the flyer.

As the number of participants for the events is limited, please do register under m.biermann@­  (Marie Biermann).