Global mega-event & national hotspot of conflict - the 2014 Football World Cup in media & politics

Globales Mega-Event und nationaler Konfliktherd. Die Fußball-WM 2014 in Medien und Politik
Global mega-event and national trouble spot. The 2014 Football World Cup in media and politics

Holger Ihle/Michael Meyen/Jürgen Mittag/Jörg-Uwe Nieland (eds.)
Springer Verlag (pub.)
Heidelberg 2017
284 pages
ISBN-13: 978 3658161965 

With a systematic examination of the media and political framework conditions of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, this volume lays the foundation for a lasting and comparative analysis of major sporting events. Sport is a global mass phenomenon that has become an integral part of everyday life for many people. This is particularly true of football; World Cup matches, for example, generate considerable attention, especially in the media, and thus offer numerous players a projection screen on which they attempt to realize their specific interests.