Studies on Sport politics

Studien zur Sportpolitik

The field of sports policy has become increasingly important in recent  years. Due to the growing interdependence of sport with other problem areas in society, increased commercialisation, the growing Europeanisation and internationalisation of sport, as well as increasing interventions by political actors in the shaping of sport, ever more extensive interactions between sport and politics are becoming apparent. Where for years a few sports federations made largely autonomous decisions in sport, today a wide variety of state, federation-based and private actors are active. The forms of interest mediation and decision-making that come into play here sometimes exhibit cooperative patterns, but sometimes new lines of conflict are also emerging.

The aim of the series, published by Klartext-Verlag (Essen), is to illustrate past lines of development, current key points and future perspectives of sports policy by means of systematic analyses. In this context, theoretical and conceptual approaches are presented, and sports policy structures and changes in the institutional and normative structure of sports policy at the local, regional, national, European and international levels are examined. In addition, general decision-making processes as well as concrete cooperation and conflicts in individual fields of action of sports policy are scientifically examined.


Bd. 1
Jürgen Mittag / Sven Güldenpfennig (Hg.)
Sportpolitik im Spannungsfeld von Autonomie und Regierungen
(= Studien zur Sportpolitik, Bd. 1)
erscheint voraussichtlich am 31.10.2014
220 Seiten
ISBN: 978 3 8375 0799 7


Bd. 2
Michael Groll / Jürgen Mittag (Hg.)
Sportgroßereignisse als Herausforderung der Sportpolitik
(= Studien zur Sportpolitik, Bd. 2)
erscheint voraussichtlich am 31.10.2014  
220 Seiten
ISBN: 978 3 8375 0800 0


Bd. 3
Wolfgang Buss / Jürgen Mittag (Hg.)
Interessenvermittlung und Lobbying im Sport
(= Studien zur Sportpolitik, Bd. 3)
erscheint voraussichtlich am 31.12.2014
220 Seiten
ISBN: 978 3 8375 0801 7  


Bd. 4
Jürgen Mittag (Hg.)
Entwicklungslinien und Herausforderungen des Sports in China
(= Studien zur Sportpolitik, Bd. 4) 


Bd. 5
Manfred Lämmer / Jürgen Mittag (Hg.)
Boykotte und Ausschlüsse im Sport
(= Studien zur Sportpolitik, Bd. 5) 
