Regional Programme "Sport for Development in Africa"

Expert advice in the development and application of an output-oriented monitoring system for the regional programme "Sport for Development in Africa"

Project Leader:
Dr. Karen Petry

Project staff:
Katrin Bauer, Dr. Marie Biermann

Period of research:
01/07/2016 - 31/12/2018


Content of project:
Together with local and international partners, GIZ’s "More space for sports - 1,000 opportunities for Africa" ​​project aims to use sport as a tool to bring positive changes in sub-Saharan Africa. To better achieve development policy objectives through sport, the project supports Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, Mozambique and Togo in three areas:

  • Provision of infrastructure and equipment for sporting activities: construction / renovation of sport grounds; provision of basic equipment and materials
  • Capacity Building: Education and training for the use of sports facilities and delivery sports educational content
  • Design of sport-based learning environments with partner organizations: the sport grounds are meant to be used to integrate sport activities and education on subjects such as health, violence prevention and personal development

The Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure supports the project by providing specialist advice on the development and implementation of an output-oriented monitoring system. The online monitoring system aims to combine information from the partner countries and to document the achievement of objectives in terms of country-specific indicators at different levels (effects at macro, meso and micro level). For this purpose, indicators as well as quantitative and qualitative data collection instruments will be developed. The creation of a national comprehensive monitoring plan and a glossary of key terms and technical definitions are also among the tasks.

For further information