M.Sc. in Sport Tourism and Recreation Management

With the decline in physical work, active forms of recreation have become enormously important. Demanding guests with changing holiday preferences and a change in sports behaviour require a further development of the sports tourism offers of holiday regions and tour operators. Local recreation opportunities in urban areas are also becoming increasingly important. These trends require a professionalization of the development of offers up to the staging of experiences.

The Institute for European Sport Development and Leisure Research offers the module Social and Cultural Science Aspects of Tourism and Recreation as part of the M.Sc. in Sports Tourism and Recreation Management.

This module consists of the courses:

  •     Socio-political Systems, Tourism and Recreation
  •     Socio-cultural aspects of leisure, recreation and
  •     Current social theories and megatrends
  •     Theories and intercultural approaches in tourism studies

Module responsible:

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag