Blutstudie der UCI mit Hinweis auf Blutdoping

Zorzoli M.: Blood monitoring in anti-doping setting. In: W. Schänzer, H. Geyer, A. Gotzmann, U. Mareck (eds.). Recent advances in doping analysis (13). Sport Buch Strauß, Köln, 2005, 255-264. 
We report some considerations about the possible use of simple haematological parameters, easy to measure, in the setting of the fight against doping. These parameters measured on each athlete may be analysed on a single basis, or, in a more efficient way, put into the perspective of an individualised monitored evolution, as defined by the concept of the haematological passport1. In case of abnormal absolute values or abnormal evolution, this should lead to targeted anti-doping tests on those athletes showing such results. 
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