iStoppFalls Symposium - How effective is ICT-based Fall Prevention and Risk Assessment?
What is iStoppFalls
The iStoppFalls project incorporates a variety of technologies such as the Microsoft Kinect, which is used for gesture and speech recognition during engagement with the exergames. The Senior Mobility Monitor (SMM) is worn around the neck of the participants during the day to record the activity of daily living, in addition to engaging with the exergames. The SMM records data associated to the acceleration from the participant which in turn can calculate the balance and sway experienced. Finally, Google TV is used as a platform to display the progress of the participant during their training, access to educational material, a social media platform and access to the actual training program (exergames).
There are 4 study centres; Siegen, Cologne – Germany, Valencia – Spain and Sydney – Australia. A total of 160 participants have been recruited for this project and randomized for intervention and control groups.
iStoppFalls helps to tackle the health and cost problems, which will endanger European Societies in face of a vastly ageing population boom. This in turn will have an outcome with tremendous benefits for the European Union to create feasible settings, securing/maintaining a high quality of life and independent living for the ageing citizens.
iStoppFalls aims to offer and provide an improved fall prediction and prevention tool to support older adults living at home. iStoppFalls aims to be integrated into the daily behaviours of one’s life through unobtrusive sensing, advanced reasoning, and the collection of physiological data.
Through engagement of end-users for the development and testing procedures, iStoppFalls utilizes the humans-in-the-loop approach. The iStoppFalls project provides self-learning solutions, including exercise progression over time, educational material and a social media platform.
It is anticipated the approaches undertaken through design and development of iStoppFalls will contribute to further understanding of developing systems suitable for ageing populations.
Purpose of the iStoppFalls Symposium

The purpose of the symposium is to present a series of results from the 3 year project and to enable all interested parties and organizations the opportunity to ask questions and network.
Several speakers have been invited to present their work which follows the thematic themes of iStoppFalls, enabling delegates to gain a variety of knowledge and understanding of the work that is currently being undertaken in this area.
Who Should Attend?
Doctors, Nurses, Physiotherapists and Exercise Practitioners, Occupational Therapists, Scientists and Researchers, Health Promotion Workers, Educators, Students (undergraduate and postgraduate), General Ageing Services, Government Departments
The language of the symposium is English.
Consortium Members

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no [287361].

The Australian arm is funded by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) EU collaboration grant (#1038210).