Olympic Day Run and Participants from the M.A. Olympic Studies

Following the tradition, the Olympic Day Run was celebrated on 23 June in Lausanne. Almost 1220 participants across all age groups registered for the 5.0 km Course Lausanne Capitale Olympique. One could select between running, walking or Nordic-walking races. The start line was located by the Olympic Museum fountain in Ouchy and the finish line at the Pierre de Coubertin Stadium which is close to the IOC headquarters in Vidy. There were participants from the M.A. Olympic Studies, students and graduates.  A photo of Philipp Waffler and me was taken before we started the run. Philipp (OLY) graduated three years ago. He has become an active ambassador of the M.A. Olympic Studies programme and has been supporting us continuously developing the profile of the programme. The Olympic Day ended with a formal reception at the Olympic Museum with invited guests of the IOC and its President Thomas Bach. Some members of the of the IOC Executive Board and IOC Commissions were present as well as honorary guests. For me the whole Olympic Day was a great experience enjoying a wonderful and authentic Olympic atmosphere.