M.Sc. Sport Management

As sport becomes increasingly commercialised, the demand for highly-educated sport managers continues to grow. Graduates of the M.Sc. Sport Management are well-equipped to secure high-ranking management roles in various sport organisations. The curriculum is designed to equip students with an advanced knowledge base that prepares them for the challenging sport industry. Graduates may pursue leadership positions in general sport management or specialise in budgeting, personnel, strategy, or marketing. Furthermore, they are qualified for consulting roles and academic pursuits, including a doctoral degree and commercial research opportunities.

Possible employers could be: 

  • Sport organizations on a national and international level
  • Sport clubs and associations
  • Sport agencies
  • Sport consultancies
  • Academia 

Transition university – employment market

Information on the topic of career paths (in German only)

The career project (“Projekt Werdegänge”) showcases various career paths available to graduates. Additionally, current job openings are available on the job board (“Jobbörse des Spoho-Career Service”), while the graduate study (“Absolvent*innen-Studie”) provides insights into the labour market and the professional growth of Spoho alumni. The video dream job after graduation (“Traumjob nach dem Studium”) series offers exemplary accounts of the career paths and activities of Spoho graduates and is updated regularly.

Projekt Werdegänge

Projekt Werdegänge

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Videoserie "Traumjob..."

Videoserie "Traumjob..."

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